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In 2020, our goal was to help 200 nonverbal COVID patients share their life story using photos and notes hung in their COVID isolation rooms. As of September 2024, over 10,000 individuals have received one of our free Life Story Communication Kits.
Our mission is to personalize an individual's experience, in all types of Healthcare Facilities, by sharing their life story with anyone entering their room to care for them.
In 2022, we created free tools designed to help children entering the foster care system and
The Guardian ad Litem Protection Program, communicate their likes, dislikes and story with the foster parents caring for them.
Tracy Serdynski Stites, President

Through The Heartland For Children Foster Care program, we provide a Scrapbook Gift Set to each child. These photo albums can help children tell their story as they move through the system. This helps both the Foster Parents as well as the child understand "Who I Am" using the child's own notes and photos.
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